The Simworks Obento Rack is like a mountain stream, singing it’s green blue rush over a scrim of blinding ice with bent hemlocks leading the water in a chorus heard throughout the woods, bouncing off the granite slabs sheathed in frozen waterfalls and ricocheting between deer antlers, maple lines and the hard soft crack of dead pines shedding their dry ice covered limbs in the wind.
Its shape is like a wood stove warmed cup of coffee, steaming musical roasted clouds of delicious nectar.
Use it for fetching a double handful of Hen of the Woods, Black Trumpets and a copy of Swan Lake.
Mounts to your fork crown hole, and either your fork dropout rack braze ons, your fork lowrider mounts or your Mark’s rack mounts. Trim the leggins to fit. Made by the metal master of Tokyo, Nitto.
Fillet Brazed Steel. Nickel plated, then cerakoted over top.